Added some flair to an old T-shirt

When Izzy grew out of this cute dress, her mom asked if I could turn it into an apron.

I've been using digital drawing over photos as a way to process events in the news

I'm frustrated by people who aren't wearing masks and doing their part to flatten the curve.

I've taken up felt embroidery jewelry making during quarantine

Added a cute trim to a dress that didn't fit... Now it fits AND it's super cute!

I was missing all the earrings I'd left at home, so I started making new ones with felt and embroidery.

These are the latest designs, what do you think?

Tried my hand at applique on a Goodwill shirt. Not bad for the first one, but don't love it either.

After a dive trip in Thailand, I wanted to explore painting to recreate the beauty of underwater reefs... I should have stopped here instead of adding a fish!

I began sketchnoting as a way to digest professional development sessions. This one is from November 2019's ADEHK conference

One of my favorite craft projects is painting wine glasses.